Monday, 14 April 2014

Hamelin Bay

What is it with the West and fantastic weather! We were treated to another amazing day as we set off to see the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse at the point where the Southern Ocean and the Indian Ocean meet.

Troy was most impressed as the Lighthouse tour came with an audio guide! We made our own way around the grounds before meeting the gate keeper who took us inside the lighthouse where we climbed to the top, all 158 stairs!! The views were great and well worth the effort!!

                Southern Ocean                                                                              Indian Ocean

Afterward we had a drink with some yummy scones while watching the waves from both oceans crash against the coast.

We then headed to the Boranup gallery that specialises in timber furniture, glassware and welded sculptures. The furniture was exquisite, although we would have needed a second mortgage to purchase anything!! We then went to a hedge maze, another of my not so good ideas!!!  After very quickly finding our way to the middle and back again we went back to the caravan park to chillax and fish! Troy caught a few, but still the big salmon allude him!!

As the sun was going down, some dolphins decided to put on a bit of a show, delighting us all to no end. And although we are looking forward to seeing the staircase to the moon, the sun put on a similar display at sunset tonight.

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