Monday, 16 June 2014

The Big Barramundi

This morning Troy was up with the sparrows and off for a session of Barramundi fishing.  He was fishing on the East Alligator river where someone was taken by a croc a couple of days ago, so I was a little nervous! 

The kids and I participated in a guided walk, with Ranger Annie once again. This time she mainly talked about the plants in the region, and the things the traditional owners used them for and what they learned from them. It was very interesting, and we got some much needed exercise! We arrived back later than expected, but still beat Troy back. He was due at 11am, so I was very pleased to see him when he arrived home at about 1pm! 

Troy had a marvellous day. His caught his first barramundi, and many more after that. 

Apparently it wasn't only the crocs they had to be weary of but the fresh water bull sharks that also frequent the river! But the boat was a good sturdy one, and all returned unscathed, and with a great supply of Barra fillets! 

We packed up camp and made our way just down the road to Cooinda. Unfortunately Jim Jim Billabong was still closed but we went and had a look at the Warradjan cultural centre. This had great displays of the region and the evolution of the way of life for the traditional owners. We then went to Yellow Water billabong and walked along the boardwalk. This was a very serene place, but had lots of mozzies, so we quickly absorbed the atmosphere before the mozzies absorbed all of our blood. 

The market Mozzie cream is not working too well!!! 

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