Sunday, 15 June 2014

Ubirr Rock Art and Cahill's Crossing

This morning we arrived at Ubirr for a ranger guided tour of the Aboriginal artwork of this area. Our guide was a "traditional owner" but very softly spoken, so it could have been very interesting but a lot of the time we missed what he was saying. 

Also sometimes what he did say contradicted with what was written on the sign in front of the rock art! Also, according to Stella, he wasn't very enthusiastic, accentuated by the fact that close behind us was another group with a really engaging and enthusiastic guide. Despite all this, the rock art was quite impressive. 

The view from Ubirr rock was also amazing, I almost felt like I was looking over the flood plains of Africa. Ronan did a great Lion King impression too! 

From here we went to Cahill's crossing, which is basically just a road that crosses the East Alligator River, you know the one where that guy was taken just the other day! The problem is the river goes over the road, and if you try and cross while the river is running too quickly, your car ends up in the river surrounded by crocs, as what happened yesterday! Sadly we missed that action, but while we were there we did see a few crocs. 

Apparently the barramundi run with the rushing tide, and the crocs are there to scoop them up, or a silly fisherman that gets too close!! Troy did have a crack, but lost his lure fairly quickly and had to stop! 

The tide changed in about five minutes, from rushing to our right, to still, then rushing back to our left. Cars only had that five minute window to cross the road and all made it easily! 

We returned to Jabiru and had a look around town, before returning to the park for a swim. The Sydney crew arrived, so it was 500 for the rest of the night! 

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