Saturday, 17 May 2014

Staircase To The ........ Cloud!!

We started this morning early, up at 5:45am to go and see the dinosaur footprints on Gantheaume Point at low tide. Apparently this was the only time you can see them as they are covered in water most of the time. We climbed down the cliff and followed a group of people around the corner of the find about 50 people all aimlessly looking around some rocks for some elusive dinosaur footprints. After about 30mins it started to get a bit frustrating and a bit funny as every crevice and dent in the thousands of rocks could potentially have been a footprint. And not one of the people down there knew what or where we were supposed to be looking!! We saw the seagullius gluttonodon!

The Troy-if-she-sees-this-she-might-let-us-go-back-home-to-bed-odon!

And then finally the Contiki tour guide appeared and directed all the idiot tourists to the spot where the two, yes you heard right, two dinosaur footprints could be seen! And just in the nick of time too as the tide was coming back in again!! They are apparently from the Therodon that lived 120 million years ago.

We left the point before getting swept into sea and headed back to camp for a swim. Troy did a big breakfast for all and then we went into town for the Saturday morning market. This was a little bigger than last night and had some live music too. We then had a bit of a shop in town before heading back to camp for another swim. 

This afternoon we headed to Matso's brewery to sample the goods. The chilli beer was exactly that and not a favourite, but the mango cider, Sharn, was totally delicious. Look out for the lime cider too. Yum!! 

We then headed to Cable beach to watch the sunset and this was something else!!

After fish and chips for dinner (we are still eating Troy's big fish!) we headed back to Town Beach to watch the Staircase to the Moon once again. The stars were all out, not a cloud to be seen, (or so we thought!) and we prepared ourselves for what I thought was going to be an awesome sight. We waited.....and waited. The sky got a little lighter, showing this band of cloud on the horizon right over the area the moon was rising, so we missed out again!! After a while it appeared in a gap in the cloud band, so this is what we saw!

Impressive hey!! We headed home a little disappointed!

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